Thursday 2 May 2013


NAMA SEKOLAH                         :   SMK Negeri 5 Kota Serang
MATA PELAJARAN                      :   BAHASA INGGRIS
KELAS/SEMESTER                      :   X / 1 - 2
STANDAR KOMPETENSI              :   Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice
KODE KOMPETENSI                    :  
ALOKASI WAKTU                       :   144 jam X 45 menit

1. 1  Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan

·    Ucapan salam (greetings) pada saat bertemu dan berpisah digunakan secara tepat
·    Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain diperagakan dengan tepat
·    Berbagai ungkapan  terima kasih dan responnya digunakan secara tepat
·    Berbagai ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta responnya diperagakan secara tepat
·       Greetings and leave takings
− Good morning.
− How are you?
− I’m fine, thanks
− See you later.
·       Introducing
− May I introduce myself. I am Budi.
− Ani, this is Ida.
− Nice to meet you.
·       Thanking
− Thank you very much.
− You are welcome.
·       Apologizing
− I am sorry for ...
− Please forgive me ..
·       Grammar Review
− Personal Pronoun (Subject  &  possessive)
v  I – my
v  You – your
− Simple Present Tense : to be & Verb 1

·        Listening
− About greetings, introducing, thanking, leave takings, and apologizing
− Listening for information
− Dictation
·        Speaking
− Saying greetings,  introducing, thanking, leave takings, and apologizing
− Role playing, dialogues, introducing, thanking, leave takings, and apologizing
− Telling one’s self
·        Reading for information
      − Short  passages
      − Dialogues
·        Writing
− Completing dialogues
− Arranging jumbled dialogues
− Composing dialogues
·    Tes lisan:
-   Memperagakan dialog secara berpasangan

·    Tes tertulis:
-      Melengkapi dialog

v  Global Access to the World of Work
v  English for Hotel Services
v  Grammar in Use

1.2   Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun

·    Nama-nama benda dan kata yang mendeskripsikan benda yang terkait dengan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas disebutkan dengan tepat.
·    Kata-kata yang mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait dengan profesi, kebangsaan, ciri-ciri fisik, kualitas, dan aktifitasnya disebutkan dengan tepat.
·    Waktu (time of the day), nama-nama hari/tanggal, bulan, tahun disebutkan dengan tepat.

·       Adjectives showing colours, quality, size, shape, age, origin, material
- green, good, big, old, Indonesian, wooden, dsb.
·       Profession, nationality
·       Adjectives showing physical (appearance), non-physical (characteristic)
- beautiful, humorous dsb
·       Nouns showing time, day, date, month, year
-  six o’clock, Sunday, 1st of May, July, 2006
·       Grammar review:
− Singular – plural nouns.
(book – books
box - boxes
child – children
fish – fish)
·       Listening
− Matching pictures with words
− Dictation
− Listening for information
·       Speaking:
− Naming objects, quality of objects and persons, professions, nationalities, and time of the day.
·       Reading:
− Reading for information
·       Writing:
− Completing passages with suitable words
·       Characters values
-    Religious
-    Tolerant
-    Creative
-    Communicative
-    Responsible
-    Social care

·       Tes lisan
     − Mendes- 

·       Tes tertulis
− Meleng-  
     − Pilihan 
− Memberi  
− Menja- 
        wab per-


v  Breakthrough
v  Global Access to the World of Work
v  Person to Person
v  Grammar in Use
1.3   Mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun

·    Bilangan (cardinal / ordinal) digunakan dengan tepat dalam berbagai konteks.
·    Kata-kata dirangkai dengan tepat untuk mendeskripsikan benda berdasarkan warna, bentuk, asal (origin), ukuran, bahan, jumlah dan kualitas.
·    Kata- kata dirangkai dengan tepat untuk mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait dengan profesi, kebangsaan, ciri-ciri fisik, kualitas, dan aktifitasnya.
·    Kata-kata dirangkai dengan tepat untuk mendeskripsikan suatu kejadian berdasarkan waktu (time of the day), nama-nama hari/tanggal, bulan, tahun.

·       Cardinal and ordinal numbers
− ten, twenty, first, fifth, dsb
·       Adjectives of quality: good, beautiful, dsb
·       Adjectives of size: big, small, dsb.
·       Adjectives of shape: round, straight, dsb.
·       Adjectives of age: old, new, dsb.
·       Adjectives of colour: blue, red, dsb.
·       Nationality, profession
− John is an American.
− He is a very busy chef
·       Adjective in series: A beautiful big U-shaped wooden house.
·       Description of events:
The accident happened at nine PM on Monday, the 26th of July 2006.
·       Antonym / synonym
·       Listening:
− Matching pictures with words.
− Dictation
− Listening for information
·       Speaking:
− Describing things, people, profession, and nationalities
− Telling numbers, responding to questions about numbers.
− Discussing things based on physical appearance.
− Role playing dialogues
·       Reading:
− Understanding and discussing passages.
·       Writing:
− Describing things
− Matching numbers and the way they are said.
− Arranging jumbled paragraphs.
− Composing dialogues involving the use of numbers in various contexts
− Writing paragraphs based on pictures.
·       Characters values
-    Religious
-    Tolerant
-    Creative
-    Communicative

·      Tes lisan
    − Mendes-
       kan waktu,  
− Menceritakan
·      Tes tertulis:
-       Pilihan ganda
-       Menjodoh-
-       Menyusun paragraph pendek.


v  English for Hotel Services
v  International Hotel English
v  Person to Person
v  Grammar in Use
v  Posters or pictures from magazines or newspapers
1.4   Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar

·    Ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta pemberian responnya disampaikan dengan tepat.
·    Ungkapan simpati serta pemberian respon terhadapnya disampaikan dengan tepat
·    Ungkapan berbagai perasaan disampaikan dengan tepat
·    Ungkapan permintaan dan pemberian ijin disampaikan dengan tepat
·    Ungkapan perintah dan permintaan digunakan secara tepat.
·    Ungkapan penawaran barang dan jasa digunakan secara tepat.
·    Words and expressions used to show regrets and apologies:
- I’m sorry that ...
·    Words and expressions used to express sympathy:
- I’m sorry to hear that ..
·        Adjectives for expressing feelings:
- happy, terrible, sad, etc
·        Adjectives ‘ –ing’ vs  ‘-ed’
- boring ›‹ bored
·        Adjective set expressions
- get bored; turn bad, etc
·        Subject – verb agreement:
- John is very happy to see you.
·        Words and expressions used in asking for and giving permission:
- May I use the phone?
- You can leave now.
·        Grammar: Modals + Auxiliary
·        Expressions and verb forms used  in commands and requests:
- Can you lend me a pen, please?
- Come here!; Stand up!
·        Responses to commands:
- Yes, I will.
- Certainly.
·        Expressions used for offering things and services.
- Would you like to have some tea?
- Would you like to taste this food?
·       Listening:
− Dictation
− Listening for information
− Completing passages
·       Speaking:
− Pronunciation practice
− Dialogue practice
− In pairs, creating and practising dialogues dealing with regret and apoligies, simpathy, asking for and giving information, offering things and services.
− Expressing feelings about certain events
·       Reading:
Reading for information:
− Dialogues
− Stories which stimulate readers’ emotion
·       Writing:
− Completeing Dialogues
− Rearranging jumbled dialogues
− Composing short stories (good or bad experiences)
·       Characters values
-    Religious
-    Tolerant
-    Creative
-    Communicative

·       Tes lisan
− Dialog
− Merespon 

·       Tes tertulis
− Melengkapi 
− Membuat 
− Menyusun


v  Global Access to the World of Work
v  American Business English
v  Person to Person
v  Grammar in Use
1.5   Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang sedang terjadi

·    Peristiwa yang sedang terjadi diceritakan dengan tepat sesuai dengan waktu dan tempat kejadian.
·    Pernyataan dengan menggunakan ”there is/are” disampaikan dengan tepat sesuai dengan waktu dan tempat kejadian.
·    Pertanyaan tentang peristiwa yang sedang terjadi disampai-kan dengan tepat
·    Pengungkapan perasaan / pendapat tentang peristiwa yang sedang terjadi disampaikan dengan tepat
·    Words and expressions used in the context of telling or describing events.
- The students are cleaning the foor.
- When you arrive, the guests will be travelling around the city.
·       Grammar: Present continuous, future continuous.
·       Sentences using ‘there + be’
·       Prepositions: in, on, at, under, etc.
- There is a napkin on the table
·       Questions about events:
- How/When did it happen?
·       Expessions of feelings / opinions concerning an event
- I was very shocked to learn about the number of the victims.
·       Listening:
− Matching pictures and sentences.
− Completing passages
·       Speaking:
− Pronunciation practice
− Dialogue practice telling what’s happening in pictures.
− Giving responses to the events shown in pictures, films, or dramas.
− Dialogue practice using “there”
·       Writing:
− Writing short paragraphs based on pictures.
·       Characters values
-    Religious
-    Tolerant
-    Creative
-    Communicative
-    Responsible
-    Social care

·       Tes lisan
− Menceritakan 
− Dialog

·       Tes tertulis
− Melengkapi 
− Menjawab
    soal cerita.
− Membuat


v  American Business English
v  Person to Person
v  Pictures from newspapers or magazines
v  Breakthrough
1.6   Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal perjalanan kendaraan umum, dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas

·    Pesan ditulis dalam bentuk memo dengan benar.
·    Memo yang sudah ada dijelaskan dengan tepat.
·    Menu ditulis dan dijelaskan dengan tepat.
·    Tanda-tanda dan lambang (misalnya: rambu lalu lintas) dijelaskan dengan benar.
·    Berbagai macam jadwal (time table) dibuat dan dijelaskan dengan benar.
·    Bentuk kata sifat dan keterangan digunakan secara tepat untuk membandingkan sesuatu.
·    Samples of memo
·    Sample of menu
·    Words and expressions to explain signs and symbols:
- That “P” sign means that you can park here.
- The symbol “Lady” means that the toilet is for women.
- “No smoking” means that you are not allowed to smoke in that area.
·       Samples of time table and schedule
·       Degrees of comparison:
- Bus is fast.
- Train is faster than the bus.
- Plane is the fastest of all.
- Travelling by plane is more convenient than travelling by bus.
·       Pronouns and Reported Speech
·       Listening
− Dictation
− Completing memos and menus
− Matching pictures based on signs, symbols, time tables and schedules given.
·       Speaking
− Pronunciation practice
− Dialogue practice involving memos, menus, signs, symbols, time tables and schedules
− Making sentences using degrees of comparison, pronouns and reported speech.
·       Writing
− Completing time tables and schedules
− Writing sentences using comparative degree, pronouns and reported speech.
− Composing memos and menus.
·       Characters values
-    Religious
-    Tolerant
-    Creative
-    Communicative
-    Responsible
-    Social care
-    Honest

·      Tes lisan
− Menjawab
    secara lisan
− Menjelaskan 
    rambu lalu
    lintas, simbol
    dan tanda.

·      Tes tertulis
− Membuat 
− Menulis 
− Menulis 
− Menjawab   
  menu, jadwal,
  memo, rambu
  lalu lintas.


v  Various kinds of memos and menus, time tables and schedules from different sources
v  Person to Person
v  American Business English
v  Breakthrough
1.7   Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat sederhana berdasarkan rumus

·    Berbagai ungkapan untuk menyatakan pilihan (preferences) digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Ungkapan untuk menyatakan pengandaian (conditional type I) digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Berbagai ungkapan untuk menyatakan kemampuan (capabilities) digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Ungkapan untuk meminta dan memberi arah dan lokasi (direction) digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Words and expressions used in expressing preference:
- I prefer coffee to soft drink at this time of the day.
- I’d rather stay home over the weekend than go to movies.
- I like badminton better than  volley ball.
·        Conditional sentence type 1:
- If the weather is nice this morning, we can go to the beach.
·        Words and expressions used to talk about capabilities:
- Can you swim to cross this river?
- When I was a child, I could (was able to) climb that tree.
·        Words and expressing used in asking for and giving direction (location):
- Could you tell me the way to the Zoo, please?
- Go straight on as far as the junction, then turn left. The Zoo is on your left ...
·        Prepositions of place: in front of, behind, beside, dsb.
·        Listening
− Dictation
− Listening for information: dialogues
− Listening and completing maps.
·        Speaking
− Interviewing for one’s preferences and capabilities, asking and giving directions based on maps given.
− Responding to questions using conditional sentences type 1.
·        Reading
− Reading for information: passages, dialogues, etc.
− Identifying skills and capabilities from reading passages.
− Reading and finding a location on the map
·        Writing
− Writing sentences expressing preferences and capabilities, directions or locations.
− Writing sentences using conditional type 1.
− Composing dialogues involving preferences and capabilities and giving directions.
·       Characters values
-    Religious
-    Creative
-    Communicative
-    Honest

·       Tes lisan
− Dialog

·       Tes tertulis
− Melengkapi
− Menuliskan 
   arah  /
− pilihan ganda


v  Person to Person
v  Grammar in Use
v  Maps
v  Breakthrough
v  English for Hotel Services
v  Global Access to the World of Work
1.8   Menuliskan undangan sederhana
·    Sejumlah kata dirangkai menjadi kalimat yang mengandung unsur undangan
·    Kalimat dirangkai dengan benar untuk membentuk undangan
·    Undangan sederhana (misalnya: undangan ulang tahun) dituliskan dengan benar.
·    Grammar review: “will”, “could”, “would” and prepositions: in, on at.
·    Samples of invitation (personal invitation).
·    Parts of personal invitations.
·    Contents, style, spelling and punctuation.
·    Listening
− Completing invitations
− Listening for information
·       Speaking
− Pronunciation practice
− Dialogue practice
− Responding to questions dealing with invitations using “yes-no” and “wh-” questions.
− Telling about invitations,
− Creating dialogues in pairs
·       Reading
− Reading for information: invitations
·       Writing
− Rearranging jumbled sentences to create invitation
− Writing personal invitations.
·       Characters values
-    Religious
-    Creative
-    Communicative
-    Responsible
-    Honest

·       Test Lisan
− Mengun-
   dang secara 
− Dialog

·       Test tertulis


v Different kinds of invitations
v Person to Person
v Breakthrough
v Global Access to the World of Work

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